Wednesday 1 June 2016

Home Remedies for Common Sicknesses

Are you tired of taking many different medications for small problems? You do have options! There are many household remedies you can make for nausea, dehydration, back pain, and the flu.


One of the best and easiest ways to eliminate nausea is with ginger! Ginger was used by the Chinese for more than 2000 years and worked very effectively, especially in pregnancy. There are many ways you can have ginger. It can be used raw, drinking in tea, and eating candied ginger.

Another great way to eliminate nausea is with peppermint! Peppermint leaves and peppermint oil are helpful in dealing with indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. Peppermint can be used in forms such as ointment, leaves, and oil. Peppermint tea is a very common remedy, along with tablets and oil.


A great way to get through the flu is by building a tent remedy. To create a tent remedy,bring abowl’s worth of water to boil and then removed from the heat. In the boiling water, add peppermint as well. Covering yourself with a towel over the pot and breath steadily. This setup can help ease congestion by opening up airways.

Another great way to fight the flu with a homemade remedy is with salt water. When you gargle salt water it helps gets rid of the mucus build up in the back of the throat.

Dehydration may be common but it is also a very serious.Fortunately, there are many household remedies for this! Lemon water is a great way to feel re-hydrated. Combining a lemon, honey, pepper powder, and a pinch of salt can help keep your body from working feeling dehydrated! The different ingredients will help by adding fluids and minerals needed to push your body forward.

These home remedies are very cost effective and can help you bounce back quickly when you're down with a bug! Lot of these ingredients can be found around the home or at your local grocery store!

If none of these treatments work or your condition worsens, you may need additional help. Run by Gonzaba Urgent Care for quick assessment and medical assistance. 

Tuesday 3 May 2016

What Medicine Should You Have in your Cabinet?

Does medicine confuse you? Do you think that Advil should treat it all? Here is a rundown of two common health problemsand how to fight them!

The Flu

You should be always ready to fight the flu!Some unlucky people catch it every year, during the spring or fall season. The flu is a highly contagious viral infection that causes many symptoms,like fever andbody aches. For a quick recovery, it is important toidentify the flu in early stages.

If you have signs of nasal or sinus congestion, go with a decongestant, such as oral or nasal sprays, to help fight the flu! Remember to only do this for a short time. The flu needs a serious contender to go up against! It is important to use medications that fight multiple symptoms, rather than many different medications. Try medicine like Chlor-Trimeton and Mucinex!

Back Pain/Body Aches

Back pain and body acheshave many causes. You can develop back pain by sitting in a position too long or from pushing your body too hard. Back pain and body achesmay be because of your muscles or your bones. It is important to relieve stress from both. 

If you are experiencing back pain or body aches, take pain relievers, such as Advil and Motrin. Motrin and Advil are both ibuprofens. Ibuprofen works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. It is important to use ibuprofens to decrease inflammation before it causes other, potentially long lasting issues. It is also important to identify the reason if these problems occur to help prevent in the future.

If you need additional, immediate help, consider visiting Gonzaba Urgent Care for timely, same-day care.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

How To Have SAFE Fun In Warm Weather!

As the summer slowly roles in, it’s important to know how you can be safe during your time outdoors! Many people do not know how to stay safe when exercising or playing outdoors. Here are some quick tips to keep you going!

1)Drink Plenty Of Water!

Do you know how much water to drink? Many don’t!The rule of thumb is to drink about 8-10 ounces for every 20 minutes you’re outside! It’s always important to keep track of your water intake and not fall behind. That can lead to dehydration and nausea, which could lead to a trip to a child or adult urgent care clinic. Fuel up on water in between work out breaks or timeouts between plays!

2) Know Your Heart Rate!

Not everyone has a Fitbit but most of us can tell when our hearts are beating a little too quickly. This is very important for those who have asthma, sinceyour heart rate can cause major problems such as light headedness and nausea. If you ever feel your heart rate is a little on the fast side, be sure to stop what you’re playing and slowly walk to a cooler area. To also bring down your heart rate to avoid an asthma attack or nausea; keep both hands above your head interlocked. Do NOT lay down! That could cause pain in your back and abdomen.

3) Work Yourself Into It

The greatest mistake you can make is jumping straight into an intense workout schedule. It’s important to work yourself into a MANAGEABLE routine. If you are not use to working out muscles at an extreme pace, it could cause back, muscle, and shoulder pain along with early signs of arthritis. You want to have a plan which helps you accomplish your goals WITHOUT hurting your body in the process. You also want to avoid peak times of the day when the heat will only tire you out, leading to dehydration. Instead, pick a time when you get the most out of the day and have fun with it!

4)The Cool Off Is As Important As The Work Out!

Always be sure to be completing cool-off tricks effectively to help ease your heart rate from an asthma attack or get relieffrom nausea and dizziness. Cool-offs can include running cold water down your forearms, using ice packs, or using a spray fan. Make sure to also take a walk after completing a vigorous exercise along with completing cool down exercises such as stretching, breathing excises, or even a massage! The best way to cool down is to have a protein shake and a healthy snack by your side.

Following these tips will help you avoid asthma attacks, nausea, back pain, chest pain, and dehydration! But, if you do ever have these symptoms for any reason, be sure to visit an urgent care clinic as soon as possible! Urgent care clinics, like theGonzaba Urgent Care in San Antonio, are open throughout the day. They are an easy alternative to visiting your primary doctor or an emergency room!

Tuesday 5 April 2016

When To Head ForAn Urgent Care

If you don’t use them regularly, you may not be familiar with how to take advantage of an urgent care clinic! Clinicscan seem scary at times and you might not know what is defined as urgent.

Deciding what to do when your child needs help is frightening! It’s important to know that urgent cares, such as the Gonzaba Urgent Care in San Antonio, are design to treat patients from 24 months and older.Like an emergency room, urgent care clinics are designed to manage crises that can’t wait for a doctor’s appointment.

Urgent care clinics have a wide array of technology to help analyze your medical issues. Many urgent care clinics have X-ray capabilities to help evaluate serious conditions, such a head injury or abdominal pains. MRI machines are available at some clinics as well! These are helpful for assessing complex joint structures, which might be the first step to surgical needs. These machines are accompanied by a basic lab set up which help with dehydration, flu-like symptoms, and nausea.

Urgent Care Centers, like the Gonzaba Urgent Care,are designed to also address painin many shapes and forms. You can seek aid with chronic issues like asthma or immediate problems like a bone fracture. Urgent care clinics are designed to handle hemorrhoids, which may be sudden pain, to arthritis, which develops over time. When dealing with health issues that require immediate attention, such as a wound or concussion, urgent care clinics are ideal due to their low wait times. These types of facilities are designed to quickly access situations whether they are injuries, sicknesses, or internal issues and help provide a course of treatment that works best for you or your family.

Although urgent careclinicss can be very fitting for many issues, there are some reasons to not go to an urgent care. If you or someone are having an immediate life threating issue, like a heart attack or open bone injury, you need to call 911 or go directly to the emergency room.
Urgent care clinics are very convenient, since they take walk-ins and assess on the same day. Some clinics, like Gonzaba Urgent care, have a full radiology center which can assess organs, bones, and other body structures as well. These are an easy alternative when your primary doctor is not available!